Friday, June 3, 2011

I'm still crafting!

So I know it has been a while but with the recent move it has been difficult to craft. Most of my belongings are packed! But I have been working on a few things, including a baby blanket for the new addition to our family :-) The blanket is about 90% done and you should see it in the next week. (I need a little more yarn.) While I am waiting for the rest of my belongings I started working on a hag that I got out of Crochet Today magazine. This is the start of it!
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Monday, January 10, 2011

Leg Warmer's!

So it has been a couple of days but I am back! I am working on some leg warmer's for the winter weather. This is a little bit of what I have done tonight. I can't wait until they are complete! What does everyone think?!?
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Friday, January 7, 2011


Amber and Kari are being such good sports and modeling their new hats. Its Kari's birthday and she has a Cathgan original! More tomorrow while we celebrate tonight! Go out and try a new craft ;-)
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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Pink, Red and White!

So today I decided to go to Michael's and see if I could become inspired... and I did! I went into yarn overload and picked up different yarns in pink, red and white. It's time to prepare for Valentine's day! Some people are back and forth on should we or shouldn't we celebrate Valentine's day.  Well, I think that this year needs to be filled with love, joy, and relaxation.  I think the best way to do that is to accept the month of February and celebrate it!  I am going to fill my etsy shop with love this month in preparation for February's festivities. 

I can't wait to get started! So long for now, and don't forget to go out and craft!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The "I'm so excited" jitters

I think most people have a dream about becoming their own boss, but so many people have a hard time taking that first step. Well, this is one of my first steps! I have started a shop with and I now have a fan page on Facebook! I am employed full time, a full time student, and I try to be a full time crafter.  All three of these things together keep me very busy!

I love to create.  Right now I make many items for a very sweet little girl.  I love to just give items away, but now it's time to start selling them. (But of course my friends will still get some free ones!) 

My craft of choice is crocheting, and I learned when I was very young from both of my grandmothers.  I let it go for awhile and when I was sixteen I picked it up again and I haven't stopped.  I love to try new patterns and I love creating my own.  I have been branching out into jewelry and bead making and I love it. Its a new challenge and it keeps my creative engery flowing.

Well for now this is it, but this is day one of my exciting and new venture and I plan on blowing it out of the water. Now, go ahead.. and craft!